Greenhouses in Belas Clube de Campo
Where water get the treatment, it deserves
In the heart of a forest park, a few minutes from the center of Lisbon, Cascais and Sintra, there is a place full of greenhouses where Man gives water the treatment it deserves – The Belas Clube de Campo. In these greenhouses each drop represents a treasure too precious to be used only once. It was, therefore, the first entity distinguished by ADENE with the AQUA +, the water efficiency system for buildings. In fact, the aura of sustainability envelopes the entire development, whose townhouses were considered the most sustainable houses in Portugal and the first to achieve Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) certification values.
When we walk through Belas Clube de Campo time is suspended and we walk slower so that we can linger in such a beautiful and magnificent space! And it doesn’t matter which path you choose, because at Belas Clube de Campo all paths lead to greenhouses and sustainability. The composition of the building is perfectly integrated into the surrounding landscape. A walk-through Belas Clube de Campo allows a sensory experience only possible through a genuine contact with nature: we breathe slowly, feel the scents of nature, the mind calms down with the soft rhythm of the birds’ melody, and we feel invaded by a wonderful tranquility. And yet, the surrounding houses seem to hide from our gaze a secret world of modernity and comfort. In fact, Belas Clube de Campo is an icon of what we would like to find towards a more sustainable world, with pillars based on innovative infrastructures and solutions, but without compromising future generations.
In this place full of greenhouses, the natural ecosystems are preserved and are the target of a permanent care, being the placement of nests, planting of trees and the preservation of vegetation some of the activities developed for the preservation of species. Belas Cube de Campo is at the forefront of sustainable construction, permanently investing in energy efficiency and waste management. And that’s not all. For the entities that work with water, it is easy to feel a great enthusiasm with the way Belas Clube de Campo takes care of its water, in favor of a water efficiency still uncommon in the age we live in.
Sustainability in a liquid state in the greenhouses of Belas Clube de Campo
The four beautiful lakes on the spot receive rainwater, which is channeled there. Two of these lakes are responsible for the irrigation of the golf course, supported by 6 additional boreholes. The storage of water in the lakes and the abstraction of water from the boreholes are carefully managed, with regular monitoring of the water quality, which is also supported by several studies for irrigation optimization.
The use of rainwater is a measure with enormous potential to reduce the use of drinking water in uses where its quality may be lower. Therefore, Belas Clube de Campo has extended rainwater use to the surrounding greenhouses. Rainwater is collected on the roof, level 1, level 0, and level -1, and directed through a system to a water storage tank, with a capacity of between 5m3 and 15m3, installed in the garden. When the accumulated water reaches its limit, it is routed to the public collector. With the help of a booster pump and an adaptation in the network, it is possible to use the stored water for watering the green spaces and for washing.
The houses have a separate domestic wastewater system: grey waters from showers, bathtubs, and sinks, and blackwaters from kitchens, laundry rooms, toilets, and bidets. The houses are prepared to incorporate a compact wastewater treatment of grey waters, which are later sent to an independent supply system for the flushing of toilets. With a hot water recirculation system, Belas Clube de Campo greenhouses makes possible to avoid the wasting water from the moment you open the tap until you get the water with the desired temperature. In addition to reducing water consumption, the system also allows for a reduction in the energy needs required for heating the water with a significant improvement in thermal comfort conditions.
Water is scarce. Water is precious. Without water there is no life. These are words we hear and repeat whenever the value of water is at issue. As William Shakespeare once said ” May your words illustrate your behavior, and your behavior your words.”. From 1999 until now, Belas Clube de Campo has received many awards and certifications that proves that here, sustainability is not mere words. These distinctions are the result of daily research and innovation, with the goal of presenting the market with residential solutions of excellence that respect the environment and families can live with all the quality and comfort.